Emberex: TA Tracker

Selected Case Studies



Responsive web application to aid Technical Assistants in planning, tracking, and monitoring their progress.

Project Roles
UI & UX Design,
Data Visualization,

Web App Development,
Quality Assurance

This project came to us with a large team of stakeholders, from 3 separate universities who shared a goal of streamlining their work. The project required Emberex to learn and understand internal jargon specific to this work and to sort through and parse numerous spreadsheets and documents to understand existing processes, in order to create an elegant custom solution that aimed to improve the worklives of its end users.

Emberex facillitated several discovery meetings with stakeholders early in the process in order to fully understand project goals, stakeholder pain points, and begin to imagine what a new application could do. Our design team then began the process of creating low fidelity wireframes that helped facillitate conversations about types of information to collect, hierarchy of information to collect, and meaningful ways of displaying the collected information. We delivered design updates via Zoom meetings, shared prototype links, and video tours of the proposed user experience. As parts of the application design were finalized they were moved to development and then to our quality assurance team.

imac report image


Easy-to-use and on-demand reporting and report printing were critical requirements of this project. Emberex designed the reporting features with robust report selection and report filters, allowing users to build the exact report required, and easily view and print it.

monitoring report 1

We were proud to deliver our clients a robust solution that allowed them to track their data across planning, tracking, and monitoring tasks; made it easy to enter data at the time of service (on any device type) while in the field; and allowed admin-level users a big picture view of the status of the work at any time.

Node.js, React, PostgreSQL